WebCam On-Off 1.4

Bagas31: WebCam On-Off is a program for controlling a webcam in Windows. With it, you can easily and safely turn on and off the webcam on your computer, and protect your privacy from spying and hacking.

WebCam On-Off

WebCam On-Off allows you to turn your webcam on and off with one click or using hotKeys. It automatically detects and connects all available webcams on your computer. You can select which webcam you want to control and also view the status of each webcam.

Download for free WebCam On-Off 1.4

Password for all archives: 1progs

WebCam On-Off allows you to protect your privacy from spying and hacking. It blocks access to your webcam to all programs and processes that might use it without your permission. It also alerts you to any attempts to access your webcam, and allows you to allow or deny such attempts.

WebCam On-Off download free

WebCam On-Off allows you to customize various program settings to your liking. You can choose the interface language, launch mode, hot Keys, sound signals and others. You can also create backup copies and restore program settings.

WebCam On-Off has a simple and convenient interface in Russian & English. You can easily switch between different operating modes using the toolbar. You can also use hotKeys to quickly access various functions.

WebCam On-Off supports Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista and XP (32-bit and 64-bit). No installation or registration is required for the program to work. It takes up less than 1 MB of disk space and does not affect system performance.

WebCam On-Off is a useful program for controlling your webcam. With it, you can easily and safely turn on and off the webcam on your computer, and protect your privacy from spying and hacking. You can choose which webcam you want to control, block access to your webcam for all programs and processes, and configure various program settings to your liking.

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WebCam On-Off 1.4


WebCam On-Off is a program for controlling a webcam in Windows. With it, you can easily and safely turn on and off the webcam on your computer, and protect your privacy from spying and hacking.

WebCam On-Off

WebCam On-Off allows you to turn your webcam on and off with one click or using hotKeys. It automatically detects and connects all available webcams on your computer. You can select which webcam you want to control and also view the status of each webcam.

Download for free WebCam On-Off 1.4

Password for all archives: 1progs

WebCam On-Off allows you to protect your privacy from spying and hacking. It blocks access to your webcam to all programs and processes that might use it without your permission. It also alerts you to any attempts to access your webcam, and allows you to allow or deny such attempts.

WebCam On-Off download free

WebCam On-Off allows you to customize various program settings to your liking. You can choose the interface language, launch mode, hot Keys, sound signals and others. You can also create backup copies and restore program settings.

WebCam On-Off has a simple and convenient interface in Russian & English. You can easily switch between different operating modes using the toolbar. You can also use hotKeys to quickly access various functions.

WebCam On-Off supports Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista and XP (32-bit and 64-bit). No installation or registration is required for the program to work. It takes up less than 1 MB of disk space and does not affect system performance.

WebCam On-Off is a useful program for controlling your webcam. With it, you can easily and safely turn on and off the webcam on your computer, and protect your privacy from spying and hacking. You can choose which webcam you want to control, block access to your webcam for all programs and processes, and configure various program settings to your liking.

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